Best Practices in Administration and Our Learnings in Times of Covid-19
Tuesday, 22 September & Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) welcomed administrative staff of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to its International Staff Exchange Week, showcasing best practices in administration and learnings in times of Covid-19 at JGU and beyond. During the 2-day program, participants from 10 countries had the opportunity to learn from best practices in various fields of administration and to network.
At the end of the staff week, participants gained a better understanding of best practices in administration for expanding their resourcefulness on current challenges within their working environment. In light of the ongoing pandemic, a special focus was on reflecting on how to cope best with current and future demands. Key topics were explored that impacted Higher Education across Europe. Discussions, sharing and networking with colleagues from different countries made this Staff Week a special event for everybody.
Participation in the scheduled program was free of charge, since it was funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the project “LOB” ( at JGU. LOB was a university-wide project which served as a platform for enhancing the quality of learning and teaching at JGU.